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Shop ยป Miladys


In 1947, Mrs Bailey and Mrs Elison opened a dress shop in Pinetown and named it Miladys. Since then, the store has grown from strength to strength and it is now a part of the dynamic Mr Price Group. Our long history in the fashion trade has given us a unique understanding of our customers, meaning that we can learn and grow with them to provide just what they want and need. We are dedicated to helping women find the perfect outfit and build a well co-ordinated wardrobe, so we make sure that all of ourclothing is carefully considered and designed for real women. We offer the latest fashion with the most flattering fit and always add our feminine touch to everything without ever compromising on comfort. With our consistent good quality, special attention to detail and personalised service, we aim to inspire women to look and feel wonderful.

Telephone Number

043 726 3914

Shop Number


Trading Hours

Open Today: Thursday

From 9:00 to 18:00

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